Completed Projects
We recently completed four projects: MindStep, PhenoRob, Transform2Bio, and Best.

MIND-STEP aims to improve exploitation of available agricultural and biophysical data and will include the individual decision making (IDM) unit in policy models.
Duration: 2019-2023
Staff members: David Schäfer, Wolfgang Britz
Shang, L., Wang, J., Schäfer, D., Heckelei, T., Gall, J., Appel, F., Storm, H. (2023): Surrogate modelling of a detailed farm-level model using deep learning, Journal of Agricultural Economics: 1-26, Link.
Britz, W. (2022): Implementing an Approximation of Cumulative Prospect Theory into Mixed Linear Programming – an Application to Bio-Economic Modelling at Farm-Scale Considering Crop Insurance, German Journal of Agricultural Economics 71(4), Link.
Britz, W. (2021): Automated Calibration of Farm-Sale Mixed Linear Programming Models using Bi-Level Programming, German Journal of Agricultural Economics 70(3): 165-181, Link.
Britz, W., Ciaian, P., Gocht, A., Kanellopoulos, A., Kremmydas, D., Müller, M., Petsakos, A., Reidsma, P. (2021): A design for a generic and modular bio-economic farm model, Agricultural Systems 191: 103133, Link.
Pahmeyer, C., Schäfer, D., Kuhn, T., Britz, W. (2021): Data on a synthetic farm population of the German federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia, Data in Brief 36(June 2021): 107007, Link.
Funding: the European Unions' Horizon 2020 Research And Innovation Programme, Grant Agreement Nr. 770747
The core project 6 studies the adoption potential and related impacts of robotics and phenotyping (PhenoRob) technologies on agricultural development, welfare, and the environment at farm and landscape scales.
Duration: 2019-2025
Staff members: Christoph Pahmeyer, Wolfgang Britz
Shang, L., Pahmeyer, C., Heckelei, T., Rasch, S., Storm, H. (2023): How much can farmers pay for weeding robots? A Monte Carlo simulation study, Precision Agriculture.
Pahmeyer, C., Kuhn, T., Britz, W. (2021): ‘Fruchtfolge’: A crop rotation decision support system for optimizing cropping choices with big data and spatially explicit modeling, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 181: 105948.
Pahmeyer, C., Schäfer, D., Kuhn, T., Britz, W. (2021): Data on a synthetic farm population of the German federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia, Data in Brief 36 (June 2021): 107007.
Pahmeyer, C., Kuhn, T., Britz, W. (2021): Single plots or shares of land - How modeling of crop choices in bio-economic farm models influences simulation results, AgEcon Search: Working Paper
Funding: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany's Excellence Strategy - EXC 2070 - 390732324.

Transform2Bio aims to systematically identify transformation trajectories for the implementation of a strong and sustainable bioeconomy in the Rheinische Revier, that are desirable, possible and acceptable.
Duration: 2019-2022
Staff members: Till Kuhn, Wolfgang Britz
Freytag, J., Britz, W., Kuhn, T. (2023): The economic potential of organic production for stockless arable farms importing biogas digestate: A case study analysis for western Germany, Agricultural Systems 209: 103682.
Kuhn, T., Möhring, N., Töpel, A., Jakob, F., Britz, W., Bröring, S., Pich, A., Schwaneberg, U., Rennings, M. (2022): Using a bio-economic farm model to evaluate the economic potential and pesticide load reduction of the greenRelease technology, Agricultural Systems 201: 103454.
Pahmeyer, C., Schäfer, D., Kuhn, T., Britz, W. (2021): Data on a synthetic farm population of the German federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia, Data in Brief 36 (June 2021): 107007.
Funding: FOCUS FUND im Rahmen des NRW-Strategieprojekt BioSC – Phase2: Fokussierung. Ministry of Culture and Science of North Rhine-Westphalia
As a major importer of agricultural and forestry products, the EU must also take into account the global impact of its own actions in policy-making. Conflicts of interest are foreseeable if expected developments in different areas are projected.
Duration: 2019-2022
Staff members: Rienne Wilts, Wolfgang Britz
Britz, W., Jafari, Y., Nekhay, O., Roson, R. (2022): Assessing inequality and poverty in long-term projections of economic growth: A general equilibrium analysis for six developing countries, Economic Modelling 117(106066), Link.
Britz, W. (2021): Estimating a global MAIDADS demand system considering demography, climate and norms, Bio-based and Applied Economics, in: online available 19 July 2021
Britz, W. (2021): Comparing Penalty Functions in Balancing and Dis-aggregating Social Accounting Matrices, Journal of Global Economic Analysis 6(1): 34-81
Wilts, R., Latka, C., Britz, W. (2021): Who is Most Vulnerable to Climate Change Induced Yield Changes? A Dynamic Long Run Household Analysis in Lower Income Countries, Climate Risk Management 33: 100330.
Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research