Economics of Sustainable Land Use & Bioeconomy
Our research focusses on the assessment and evaluation of environmental policies for the governance of land-based natural resources in developing and industrialized countries. We also study agricultural technology choice and the impacts of technological innovation on the provision of terrestrial ecosystem services. The "bioeconomy" concept provides a systemic perspective for much of our work.
Our teaching portfolio comprises basic and advanced courses in applied environmental and and resource economics with strong links to our research projects.
Prof. Dr. agr. Jan Börner
+49 228 73-993040
Nußallee 21
53115 Bonn

DETECT is a collaborative reserach center funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). It aims at improving our understanding of relationships between land use and regional climate change. Our research group is involved in subproject A06, which looks at drivers of land use change at the landscape scale.

PhenoRob is a Cluster of Excellence funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). It aims at developing and deploying robotics and sensing technologies for sustainable crop production. Our group is involved in Core Project 6, which looks at determinants of technology adoption and technology impacts.

Future Rural Africa
Future Rural Africa is a collaborative research center funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). It aims at understanding how African futures in rural areas are made. Our group is involved in subprojects A01, A05, and Z03 looking at human-nature interactions and the impacts of road infrastructure expansion.
Bachelor level
- Ökonomie I (AGR-008)
- Angewandte Mikroökonomik (AGR-044)
- Agrar- und Umweltpolitik (AGR-048)
- Bachelor theses
Master level
- Economics on Sustainability (ENV-100)
- Environmental Economics and Policies (ENV-110)
- Impact Evaluation of Conservation and Development Projects and Environmental Policies (ENV-130)
- Advanced Environmental Economics (ENV-210)
- Seminar on Environmental Economics and Policy (ENV-300)
- Research Seminar in Resource and Environmental Economics (ENV-330)
- Master theses
- Environmental and Resource Economics Modules in BIGS-DR

Stefanie Müller-Feigl
+49 228 73-993040
Prof. Dr. Karin Holm-Müller
(Former Chair of Resource and Environmental Economics)
Post-doctoral Researchers
Dr. Jochen Dürr
Genscherallee 3
53113 Bonn
Dr. Andrea Pacheco Figueroa
Nussallee 21
53115 Bonn
Dr. Nicolas Gerber
Nussallee 19
53115 Bonn
Dr. Renzo Giudice Granados
Genscherallee 3
53113 Bonn
Dr. Gustavo Magalhães de Oliveira
Genscherallee 3
53113 Bonn
Dr. Javier Miranda
Nussallee 21
53115 Bonn
Doctoral Researchers
Vanessa Amatotsero
M.Sc. Sustainable International Agriculture
Nussallee 21
53115 Bonn
Daniel Braun
M.Sc. Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship, M.A. Management
Genscherallee 3
53113 Bonn
Yannic Rudá Damm
M.Sc. Economics
Nussallee 21
53115 Bonn
Marco Ferro
M.Sc. Statistics, Economics and Business
Nussalle 21
53115 Bonn
Gabriel Frey
M.Sc. Ecology
Nussallee 21
53115 Bonn
Maximilian Jatzlau
M.Sc. Agricultural and Food Economics
Fernanda Silva Martinelli
M.Sc. Sustainable Development Practice
Genscherallee 3
53113 Bonn
Dominik Suri
M.Sc. Economics
Nussallee 21
53115 Bonn
Uyen Thi Thien Tran
M.Sc. Agricultural Sciences and Resource Management in the Tropics and Subtropics
Nussallee 21
53115 Bonn
Student Assistants
Constanze vom Hoff
Annika Westheide
Lisa-Marie Meyer
Former Team Members
- Dr. Philipp Feisthauer (HSBC)
- Dr. Dario Schulz (EFI)
- Jun.-Prof. Dr. Lisa Biber-Freudenberger (ZEF)
- Dr. Maximilian Meyer (Agroscope)
- Assistant Professor Dr. Jorge Sellare (Wageningen University)
- Dr. Tsegaye Tagesse Gatiso (Manaaki Whenua)
- Dr. Jan Janosch Förster (ZEF)
- Dr. Duy Nong (CSIRO)
- Dr. Sascha Stark (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
- Assistant Professor Dr. Elías Cisneros (University of Texas at Dallas)
- Dr. Hugo Rosa da Conceição (OroVerde)
- Dr. Johannes Schielein (KfW Development Bank)
Who we work with
TRA6: Innovation and Technology for Sustainable Futures
One of the six Transdisciplinary Research Areas of the University of Bonn in which our group is particularly active.
Center for Development Research (ZEF)
ZEF is an interdisciplinary research center of the University of Bonn, where part of our group is based.
NRW Bioeconomy Science Center (BioSC)
A regional Bioeconomy research network our group engages in.