While Studying
AFEPA Master’s students may earn 6 to 15 ECTS credits for an approved internship during their second year of study.
AFEPA Summer Schools
At the end of each academic year, all students meet and attend a one week course at the AFEPA summer school.
Master's Thesis
At the end of the AFEPA programme, a Master's thesis accounting for 30 ECTS has to be submitted.
AFEPA Representatives
Each year, two student representatives are elected by the students to represent the interests of all AFEPA students.
All AFEPA students sign an agreement with the AFEPA programme coordinator. The agreement details their rights and duties as students in the programme.
AFEPA Master’s students have the possibility to earn 6 to 15 ECTS credits for an approved internship during their second year of study. If appropriate, the internship can also be developed in a Master’s thesis subject to consultation with the main Master’s thesis supervisor of the student.
Linda Pena Caviativa (2021-23) completed in summer 2023 her internships at the OECD
"I had the invaluable chance to immerse myself in three internships during my last semester. My first internship started at Hemp Cooperative Ireland working on market analysis within the hemp industry. My next milestone was at the Future of Protein Production as Industry Research, and at the pinnacle of my journey at the OECD working at the Trade and Agriculture Directorate on agri-environmental indicators. The culmination of these three internships resulted in an intense yet profoundly rewarding semester."
Caroline Schmidt (2017-19) completed in summer 2019 her internship at the OECD in Paris
"My experience at the OECD was especially shaped by the team I was so lucky to work with. As an intern, I felt taken seriously and appreciated by my supervisor who gave us the freedom over and responsibility for a project, the support to handle challenges, and rewarded us by giving us credit for our work."
AFEPA Summer Schools
The AFEPA summer school is one of the highlights of the programme. Every year in July/August all participants in the AFEPA programme meet at one of the partner universities for the AFEPA summer school. For all students this is the only occasion to meet all other students and academics involved in the programme.
One week of the summer school is devoted to a 5 day workshop on a particular topic of agricultural economics. Throughout the summer school, social events and field trips are organized for the participants.
AFEPA Summer School 2023
Agent-Based Modelling in Piacenza, Italy (July 28 - August 4, 2023) with Franziska Appel (Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO), Germany)
AFEPA Summer School 2022
Introduction to Experimental Economics in Bonn, Germany (August 5-12, 2022) with Frédéric Gaspart (Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium) and Jens Rommel (SLU, Uppsala, Sweden)
AFEPA Summer School 2021
Learning policy impacts from data: applied econometrics of causal inference, online (August 6-13, 2021) with Benjamin Crost (University of Calgary, Canada)
AFEPA Summer School 2020
Machine Learning techniques in agricultural, food and environmental policy analysis, online (July 13-17, 2020) with Kathy Baylis (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA), Thomas Heckelei (University of Bonn, Germany) and Hugo Storm (University of Bonn, Germany)
AFEPA Summer School 2019
Behavioural Economics in Uppsala, Sweden (August 26-30, 2019) with
Prof. Helena Hansson (SLU, Sweden), Dr. Jens Rommel (SLU, Sweden) and Dr. Micaela Kulesz (SLU, Sweden)
The Master’s thesis shall draw on and deepen subjects covered in the courses of the AFEPA programme. It has to be submitted and presented by the student at the end of the second year of studies at the annual AFEPA summer school.
AFEPA Student Representatives
At the beginning of the academic year, the new intake elects two student representatives. They represent the view of the students and let the management board of AFEPA know what challenges students experience and what can be improved in the master programme.
Irene Scacchetti and Marco Nanfouet
Intake 2023
Fabian Gruetzner and Genny Catog
Intake 2022
Adam Kirby and Linda Pena Caviativa
Intake 2021
Gremary Aza Mengoa and Eleanor Gardner
Intake 2020
Guyo Dureti Godana and Serena Olivera
Intake 2019
AFEPA Coordination Office
University of Bonn
Institute for Food and Resource Economics
Nussallee 21
Email: info@afepa.eu